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이런 것들이 훌륭한 리더가 되는 충분조건이 될 수는 없지만, 필요조건인건 확실합니다. 리더십이라는 것이 배우기 쉽지 않지만 너무 중요한 것이기에 이런 강의가 있을때 마다 잘 들어놓으려 합니다.
How not to be wrong - the power of mathematical thinking
The Art of Critical Decision Making
Lecturer: Michael A. Roberto, D.B.A., Bryant University
Lecture 1 Making High-Stakes Decisions
- new coke, challenge explosion
- air flight industry (low profit) why? - 미국은 자유시장
- competitive advantages
- Five forces analysis
- Supplier - 경쟁자 - 대체자 - 신입경쟁자 - Buyer
- Failure - Bay Pig
- Myths about decision making
- CEO decides - multiple - various levels
- Decisions are made in the room - “off-line”, not around the conference room
- intellectual < Social, emotional
- political
- resource allocation - 어느쪽에 얼마나 배치할 것인가?
- delegation
- 한국의 상황 - 대통령과 장관의 관계
- Little general이 되면 안된다. 보고 받아서 상부에 보고하는 것.
Myth 4 : Manager analyze
Lecture 7 Making sense of ambiguous situations
- Highly ambiguous situation - assessment is required.
- sensemaking - shared mental map
- The challenge of sense making
- Learning by experience
- Smokejumpers
- Sense making
- 맨 협곡 사건
- Mann Gulch fire
- 만굴치의 재난과 리더십의 교훈
- 그들 사이에 신뢰 관계가 있었다면 이런 참사는 없었을 것이다.
Lecture 9 Groupthink—Thinking or Conforming?
- Irving Janis
- Group think - mental waste
- Bay of Pigs Invasion
- Making High-Stakes Decisions
- Cognitive Biases
- Avoiding Decision-Making Traps
- Framing—Risk or Opportunity?
- Intuition—Recognizing Patterns
- Reasoning by Analogy
- Making Sense of Ambiguous Situations
- The Wisdom of Crowds?
- Groupthink—Thinking or Conforming?
- Deciding How to Decide
- Stimulating Conflict and Debate
- Keeping Conflict Constructive
- Creativity and Brainstorming
- The Curious Inability to Decide
- Procedural Justice
- Achieving Closure through Small Wins
- Normal Accident Theory
- Normalizing Deviance
- Allison’s Model—Three Lenses
- Practical Drift
- Ambiguous Threats and the Recovery Window
- Connecting the Dots 23 Seeking Out Problems 24 Asking the Right Questions