Leadership - The Art of Critical Decision Making


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How not to be wrong - the power of mathematical thinking

The Art of Critical Decision Making

Lecturer: Michael A. Roberto, D.B.A., Bryant University

Lecture 1 Making High-Stakes Decisions

Lecture 7 Making sense of ambiguous situations

Lecture 9 Groupthink—Thinking or Conforming?


  1. Making High-Stakes Decisions
  2. Cognitive Biases
  3. Avoiding Decision-Making Traps
  4. Framing—Risk or Opportunity?
  5. Intuition—Recognizing Patterns
  6. Reasoning by Analogy
  7. Making Sense of Ambiguous Situations
  8. The Wisdom of Crowds?
  9. Groupthink—Thinking or Conforming?
  10. Deciding How to Decide
  11. Stimulating Conflict and Debate
  12. Keeping Conflict Constructive
  13. Creativity and Brainstorming
  14. The Curious Inability to Decide
  15. Procedural Justice
  16. Achieving Closure through Small Wins
  17. Normal Accident Theory
  18. Normalizing Deviance
  19. Allison’s Model—Three Lenses
  20. Practical Drift
  21. Ambiguous Threats and the Recovery Window
  22. Connecting the Dots 23 Seeking Out Problems 24 Asking the Right Questions