Hugo v0.22 Released!


Now, I fall in love with Hugo and every single news from Hugo community is really anticipated.

Hugo has so much convenient features and most importantly is so fast that every work done for blogging is instant in my command line. blogdown by Yihui makes my blogging so much easier.

Yesterday, Hugo v0.22 was released and now I’m installing it. Hopefully I can bring more features to the blog using the new version. I probably face more bugs but it’s always amusing to explore something new.

Windows Hugo installed

It’s surprisingly easy to install and upgrade Hugo in Windows on the contrary to the other softwares (almost all) and it’s also so good and makes me happy.

I also tested whether Netlify is ready for Hugo v0.22. I changed the netlify.toml and it seems to be okay by now.

  HUGO_VERSION = "0.22"